Microtonal Piano roll

Joaquin Aldunate Infante

Interaction Designer
Audio Engineer
Web Developer

Fully featured piano roll editor, written from scratch as a project to learn to use Vue framework. It features various synthesizers and samplers, all implemented from scratch using Web Audio Api.

I am interested in microtonal music, perhaps not so much because I'd like to find the perfect harmonies, or somehow fix music, but because I am also interested in those intervals that sounds strange to my western ears.

Piano roll, basic view

The design of this experiment came about quite organically. On my bachelor studies I had to work a lot with graphic design and CAD tools, which I enjoyed a lot. If it's possible to add a note on any place in a two-dimensional space, in order to create order, it's also necessary to have configurable constraints; or snaps, as you would have on Adobe Illustrator, for example. These snaps or constraints help the user place visual elements in alignment with other elements.

Piano roll: Automating a parameter (in dark mode)
Example of a note being dragged with a 'proportional' constraint active.
Modular effects chain rack in action

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