Neighborhood Watch Poster Series

Bella Borquez

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Neighborhood poster series created to tackle the surge in car break-ins happening near me. 

Initial Research

At the height of 2021, car break-ins had become more and more common not only throughout the country but especially near my residence. Walking by smashed windows was a part of my daily routine- and the situation only got worse from there. So when I was tasked with creating a series of posters addressing a topic or issue this, of course, first came to mind.
When first researching how I wanted to approach this topic, I wanted to create something more informative that would give drivers a better idea of what to do when their car gets broken into. After going through more ideas and suggestions, I instead landed on posters that were targeted toward carjackers.


I was very inspired by neighborhood watch signs as it’s something perceived to be very threatening and scary but also very commonly used. I also looked at the novel 1984 and how the author displayed ‘Big Brother’ (an authoritative figure within the story) and how they use the slogan ‘Big Brother is Watching You’ to intimidate and suppress people. With all these ideas, I created my three posters and worked to make them more illustrative and textured to match these two key inspirations.
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