Bioinformatic tool: Read_extractor

Agustín Sabbione



Read_extractor 🧬📊

Developed during my PhD, Read_extractor is a Linux script crafted to efficiently extract reads from specified genomic loci in a sorted and indexed BAM file, utilizing Samtools. It reads loci from a .csv file, retrieves reads from each locus, counts repetitions, and adds counts in a new column.


-i: Path to input file. Must be a sorted and indexed BAM file.
-f: Path to csv file containing the list of loci to extract. You can easily format your loci to csv using Sed, e.g: if you have your loci in a calc or excel sheet, you can change the new line (\n) to comma (,) with sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g' inputfile > output.csv .
-s: Select sense or antisense strand. Works with SAM flags, select 0 for sense or 16 for antisense.
-r: Minimun number of reads to keep.


./ -i input_sorted.bam -f Loci.csv -s 0 > ./output/
Using will generate one file for each locus in the loci file, it will put the output files in the working directory, don't add ">".
Your output should look like this one:
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Posted Feb 7, 2024

Simple Bioinformatic Linux script to obtain reads from several genomic loci in a sorted and indexed BAM file







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