Website Audit

Lorène Levavasseur

UX Researcher
UX Designer
Google Analytics

Website Audit

The Norsan France team contacted me because they noticed issues with slow performance on the website and a very high shopping cart abandonment rate.

Why this project? The Norsan France team reached out to me because they observed that the site was very slow, the number of orders had dropped, and they were receiving many emails or calls regarding the complexity of the site.

The project I started with a video conference to familiarize myself with the company. Then, they answered a questionnaire and sent me their brand guidelines.

Afterward, I analyzed user journeys on their site, as well as accessibility, issues related to brand guidelines, graphic consistency, and ergonomic problems.

Once the study was completed, I wrote a comprehensive report of my observations. The goal was to highlight the pain points and propose improvement suggestions.

Next, I created a mockup of the homepage, taking into account the aspects emphasized during the audit.

Finally, I organized a video conference presentation to provide them with a summary of the audit and address any questions they might have.

The team was able to track progress in real-time through the Notion space I provided them from the beginning of our collaboration.

Tools used

  • Figma
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Lighthouse
  • Semrush
  • Google Search Console

Skills used

  • Analysis
  • Perspective
  • UX/UI Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Graphics
  • Listening

You have been very responsive to us, taking the time to explain your recommendations thoroughly. We also appreciate your willingness to come to our offices for a face-to-face discussion about the audit. Your work is comprehensive and will be very valuable to us in enhancing the user experience on our site. Thank you for your professionalism! Norsan France

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