Blog Article: 5 Signs of Toxic Productivity (and How to Beat It)

Sharon Wu


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Are you a freelance writer who has trouble with “turning off?” Do you feel obliged to hustle around the clock, at the expense of your well-being? You are not alone. Workaholism is a rampant problem today among remote workers. Unfortunately, freelancers who work from home can sometimes fall into the trap of overworking without even knowing it. The good news is that there are ways to conquer toxic productivity and operate your business from a healthier place.
Read on to learn more about toxic productivity, the signs to watch out for, and the steps you can take to overcome it.

What Is Toxic Productivity?

As more people become remote workers, the line between work and leisure becomes blurred. Some homeworkers feel pressured to be available for work at all hours to prove their worth and make a living. This makes it challenging for freelancers to disconnect and enjoy time off guilt-free.
Toxic productivity is a constant “do” mindset. In this mode, your brain is buzzing and filled with to-do’s even when it should be resting. Freelance writers often struggle with turning down work because they fear missing out, or disappointing their clients. They may feel that their success depends on being available for every project thrown their way. Or, some may even need money badly enough, making it even harder to say ‘no.’
Hustle culture is damaging to health and well-being. According to the study “The Work-Life Balance and Psychosocial Well-Being of South Korean Workers,” by Jae Won Yang, Chunhui Suh, Chae Kwan Lee, and Byung Chul Son, published in the National Library of Medicine, “When work and personal life are poorly balanced the consequences include decreased job satisfaction, poor psychosocial well-being, and a lower quality of life. Failure to achieve the required balance impairs mental health and triggers burnout, depression, and family conflict.”
We all know that hard work is necessary for success. But pushing yourself too far can put you in a deep, dark hole. The last thing you want to do is sacrifice your health, relationships, and overall well-being!

Why Is Toxic Productivity Harmful?

Toxic productivity makes it challenging to achieve a healthy work-life blend. Sadly, it can plague freelance writers and take us down some pretty destructive paths such as:


Some common characteristics of burnout include:
Chronic fatigue
A sense of detachment from your work
Low self-esteem
Burnout can result in depression and anxiety. Moreover, it can make you less efficient at work. This means more time spent on simple tasks that should take minutes instead of hours.
An insightful article by the Harvard Business Review explores how long hours backfire for both workers and companies alike: “Work too hard and you lose sight of the bigger picture… as we burn out, we have a greater tendency to get lost in the weeds.”

Lack of Focus

Successful freelancing often requires long hours of hard work and commitment. But it is equally important to allow yourself adequate time for rest! Sleep deprivation erodes your ability to focus. This can make you forget deadlines and deliver subpar work.

Drained Creativity

Days off and weekend getaways are rejuvenating for the creative mind. Regular ‘resets’ are necessary for long-term success. If you do not take time to relax and enjoy yourself, your motivation wanes over time.
Each month, my family and I take a two-hour road trip to our favorite California beach. During this time, I live in the moment. I indulge in delicious local food, stretch my toes in the sand, and feel the waves washing away my worries. When it is time to return to work, I feel happy and refreshed. As a result, it is easier to focus and complete projects faster!

Toxic Productivity and Working from Home

Working from home is a blessing, but it comes with a unique set of obstacles. Freelancers can be more susceptible to toxic productivity than employees in an office setting. If you work for yourself, you may feel extra pressure to land new clients and projects. The adrenaline rush of securing a new gig can make it feel like there is no time for breaks. This can lead to a downward spiral of burnout, lack of focus, drained creativity, health issues, and isolation.

5 Tell-Tale Signs of Toxic Productivity for Remote Workers

Toxic productivity can manifest in many forms. Are you a victim of it? Here are 5 tell-tale signs you may be experiencing it:

1. Deteriorating Relationships

Are your friends and family complaining about how you never spend time with them? It could be a sign that work is taking over your life. Set aside time to nurture your relationships and show people that you care.

2. Poor Health

When working from home, personal well-being and health is often the first thing we neglect. Sometimes we put off the time for self-care to impress our clients and meet deadlines.
One day, I saw a social media post that spoke to me: “If you don’t take a break when your body needs it, your body will take one without notice, and it won’t be at a convenient time.” This was a wake-up call for me to include ample sleep and clean eating into my daily routine.
Remember, health is wealth! Without health, we cannot do our best work.

3. Lack of Energy

If you do not take care of your body’s basic needs, you will succumb to unpleasant consequences. One of the biggest ones is having low energy and not being able to concentrate on tasks. If you feel tired all the time, it may be time to set new boundaries or re-evaluate existing ones.

4. Inability to Turn Off

Being able to work from anywhere gives us an unprecedented amount of freedom. We get to decide when we get up in the morning and go to bed at night. This sounds great until you find yourself unable to relax about work. Was the article I submitted good enough? Should I go back and make another round of revisions? What is on tomorrow’s to-do list? What can I do to be a better freelance writer? The list of recurring thoughts goes on!

5. Feeling Undeserving of Me-Time

Overworking is a concern for many freelance writers, especially new ones. If you are transitioning from corporate work to freelancing, breaks may feel like ‘slacking off.’ The reality is, that a well-rounded freelancer delivers the best work. So, take time off without feeling guilty about it. Remember that your productivity levels do not determine your worth.

5 Ways to Overcome Toxic Productivity

Are you experiencing signs of toxic productivity but feeling stumped on how to crush it? I’ve got your back! As a seasoned freelance writer, here are some practices that have helped me stay on top of my work without losing sight of my personal life.

1. Set Boundaries

The first step to beating toxic productivity is to set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Do not let your job bleed into other parts of your life. You need a break from the stressors at work, so you can stay focused on ongoing tasks.

2. Know When to Say ‘No’

A lot of new freelancers struggle with turning down projects. They fear missing out or disappointing their clients. But if you have too much on your plate, you should be comfortable saying ‘no’ to some projects until things slow down. Manage low bandwidth by setting boundaries, to increase productivity and work smarter. Trust me, this is better for your health and sanity in the long run!

3. Take Breaks

I cannot stress the importance of scheduling breaks in your day. In my eight years of freelance writing, I learned to ensure plenty of time for my deadlines. This allows me to keep my clients happy while honoring my body’s need for rest.

4. Make Time for Loved Ones

One of the best ways to conquer toxic productivity is by spending time with your loved ones. This eases stress while giving you a social outlet. You could meet friends for brunch, or a quick coffee if you are tight on time. Try spending weekends out in nature by hiking with your family.

5. Move Your Body

Studies have shown that not exercising is more detrimental to your health than smoking cigarettes. If that is not enough motivation to move your body, I don’t know what is! Even on a jam-packed day, block out 30 minutes to an hour for a good pump at the gym or a walk outside. Fresh air alleviates sluggishness, allowing you to return to your desk refreshed and ready to tackle more projects.

Healthy Productivity Is Possible

If you are struggling with toxic productivity, don’t worry. It is a common problem for new and experienced freelance writers. Initially, it can be difficult to determine where to draw the line to ensure healthy productivity. But you can intervene by acknowledging the red flags before things get out of hand.
Toxic productivity does not have to dictate your freelance lifestyle. Implement some simple changes today to improve your productivity. Start setting healthy boundaries, taking breaks, saying ‘no,’ moving your body, and enjoying time with people you love. Even by doing a few of these each day, you will take back control of your time and be more productive… Minus the toxicity.
All Things Freelance Writing is all about bringing a community of freelance writers together. We would love to hear your thoughts in a comment below: What are your thoughts on toxic productivity? What are some steps you take to achieve a healthy work-life blend?
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Posted Jun 3, 2023

I wrote a 1500+ word article for All Things Freelance Writing's blog, about the dangers of toxic productivity, the signs, and how to overcome them.






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