A page from my unfinished book.

Ella Ubani


Content Writer


Microsoft Word

I am writing a book on a girl named “Heart Adler” This girl I write about is none other than me, in the sense that I mixed a touch of my real life in college with my fantasy life in college. I really wish I could share all of it, but it’s not finished yet.
“Does it ever come to an end at being made of money and having a beautiful brood” with these words I end my writing for the day, I close my book and drop my pencil as I sip my cappuccino and looking out the window, seated in my favorite spot at my favorite coffee shop when it suddenly pops in my head that I am so behind time for my Gerontology class.
Horridly packing and picking up my books, pencil, muffler and bag. I storm my way to the exist. “Ouch!” Feeling a dreadful pain on my forehead I bump into an unknown guy with all my possessions scattering all over the floor in the coffee shop, I didn’t wait another second due to the fact that my grades were at stake. I picked up all my stuff, gathering them on both hands, I got up and found my way out running to my classroom. 
           Trying so hard to get in quietly, I suddenly hear a loud voice over the microphone “Miss Adler, you’re late. Again!” Slowly turning towards him. My mind sprinting, I’m drenched in sweat trying to come up with the perfect excuse for why I came in late. “I’m having a runny stomach, I’m sorry it won’t happen again,”  I said. Giving me an unsatisfying look through his glasses, he looks away “Where was I?” he said.
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Posted Dec 31, 2022

This is a story I decided to write based on how I felt about college right before I entered.






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Microsoft Word

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