Application for telemedicine service

Dmytro Savin


Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer



React Native


There are many countries where quality medical services are available only to residents of large cities but unreachable for residents of the provinces. Remote medicine might become a compromise solution to this problem.
It is much easier to deploy a network of laboratories for medical tests in any country than a network of fully-featured clinics. In many cases, having the lab test results gives the possibility to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment remotely. Due to COVID-19, remote medicine becomes even more demanded. The main idea of ​​the project is to create a specialized social network that will connect patients and doctors and will enable doctors to provide qualified assistance to patients remotely.


For creating such a social network, we have to choose one of the CPaaS (Communication Platform as a Service) implementations as a basis for our solution. There are more than a dozen options for such software offered by various vendors. The functionality we need includes:
multi-user chat - when more than one specialist can take part in a patient consultation process (consilium mode);
audio and video conference function - the ability to communicate by voice significantly speeds up the process, and video option enables to establish more trust in relationship between the doctor and the patient;
documents exchange between the doctor and the patient (diagnostic results, examination data such as X-ray or MRI);
desktop sharing function, for example, when a doctor needs to draw the patient's attention to a particular point in a provided document.
A lot of the existing communication platforms support most of the mentioned functions, however, very few support all of them. Choosing among such platforms, it is necessary to base on two factors: the price and the availability of other cloud services that are not directly related to the communication platform, but nevertheless, necessary to build a scalable, reliable and high-load resistant application.
Guided by these requirements, we have chosen CPaaS AWS Chime.


Our application consists of four main parts:
A mobile application for a patient with options of registration on the network, viewing the list of doctors registered in a system, choosing a specialist for a consultation, and booking an appointment at available time. The application also provides the necessary functionality for remote consultation and enables sending the results of the examinations assigned by the doctor.
A web application for doctors` registration in a network, defining specialization and diploma, viewing a list of registered patients, arranging appointments, as well as personal patient records.
Another client part is a web application implementing an administrative interface for network management.
The backend part, which is hosted in the Amazon cloud.
The fact of building a solution based on AWS gives us access to a large variety of services with ready-to-use high-quality technologies that help us to focus on clients' business challenges.
Let's take a closer look at this issue.
Personal data protection in any medical system is one of the main problems that must be resolved. Powered by AWS, we protect personal data of our users at all stages of their interaction with the system. We use the AWS Cognito service for secure user authorization and authentication. All users` data is stored, and transferred between the cloud and the client side in encrypted format.
The response time of our application does not depend on the location of the user's request due to CloudFront service implementation.


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Posted Apr 9, 2024

Telehealth Application for telemedicine service – social network for doctors and patients.






Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer



React Native

Dmytro Savin

Full Stack Developer/AWS Expert

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