Photoshop (the lonely viking)

Yucel Paralik

Content Creator
Graphic Designer
Photo Editor
Adobe Photoshop
This project is still the best one for me. İn the making process everything was easy. First ı put the mountains on the horizon and added the grassy landscape image on the bottom. Then ı added the northern light with there reflections and highlights on the mountains and land, İt was already started looking pretty good but after a added the Vikings hut and the fire things started to look good. I also added the highlights of the fire to the objects around it. Then ı placed the Viking and also like ı did to every other thing ı added the highlights coming from the fire. With some little details and a camera raw filter the image turned into something amazing. All the people around me are still using it as a wallpaper for their desktop. Hope you liked it too and if you want to make your self a stunning wallpaper contact me.
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