Sync: SaaS-based Scheduling App Development

Hardik Shah

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer

Developed a SaaS-based scheduling app similar to calendly.

Sync is a versatile appointment scheduling software designed to optimize the booking and management of appointments for individuals and businesses. It features an intuitive interface that simplifies the scheduling process for both clients and service providers.

Sync offers automated reminders, calendar integration, and advanced scheduling options such as group appointments, buffer times, and recurring bookings. The platform aims to increase productivity by reducing scheduling conflicts, minimizing no-shows, and enhancing overall appointment management efficiency.

Features of the web application:

->User Management Module:


User registration and authentication

Profile creation and management for clients and service providers

Role-based access control (admin, service provider, client)

Client database management

->Appointment Scheduling Module:


Easy-to-use interface for booking, rescheduling, and canceling appointments

Availability management for service providers

Calendar view with daily, weekly, and monthly perspectives

Customizable booking forms

->Calendar Integration Module:


Sync with Google Calendar, Microsoft, and other popular calendar services

Two-way synchronization to keep all schedules up-to-date

Automated updates for new bookings and changes

->Notification and Reminder Module:


Email and SMS notifications for appointment confirmations, reminders, and cancellations

Customizable reminder settings

Real-time notifications for service providers

->Payment Processing Module:


Integration with payment gateways (Stripe)

Secure online payments for appointments

Invoicing and receipt generation

Refund processing

->Reporting and Analytics Module:


Appointment statistics and reports

Revenue tracking and financial reports

Client attendance and no-show analytics

Exportable data (PDF, Excel)

->Customization and Settings Module:


Customizable branding (logos, color schemes)

Appointment buffer times and padding

Recurring appointment setup

Time zone management ->Third-Party API integration:

Google OAuth and Calendar API Integration

Microsoft Graph API integration

Zoom API Integration

Slack API integration

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