Project Management Tool

Malay Patel

Software Engineer
Web Developer
Flutter Developer

Project Based Learning Website

We made a project based learning website using Flutter/Dart and Python. You are viewing Flutter/Dart code of the website and my friend works on the Python side. I and my friend study in a project based school and learn by making projects. We face many issues while working in project based setup, it's very hard for us to submit our projects and hard for the mentors to check and grade those projects. It's hard for us to store all the data and evidences and it's hard for mentors to check and access those. There are many problems like this and we made this website to make things easier.


Submitting projects is a task for the mentees because you have to look for things everywhere in your Google Drive and you won't find what you are looking for.
We submit our projects using Google Sheets and it is hard for mentors to open every sheet and give the gradings. Sometimes there are some access issues and mentors can't access many things.
You have to write Ruminate/Reflect(Goals of the day) in the books and it is hard for mentors to check it properly and approve it. It is hard to save the goals and it is likely that you loose your book or forget it somewhere.
Right now we don't have idea of how much time are we utilizing and how much are we wasting.
You many times take time to recall what all projects you did and what all things you did especially the projects you did 1-2 years ago.
You don't have a proper list of projects with each and every small detail of it.
It is hard for mentees to give evidence in ruminate reflect if they worked online. They can't give evidence to work they did online in a book.


We made this website which fixes all the problems above and allows to organize your data at one place.
You will not face any issue of submitting projects as this website is personalized for submitting projects unlike Google sheets which isn't personalized for submitting projects.
In our website we have a proper procedure where students can manage their projects and also submit in one click which will be very easy for mentees to submit their projects. Now mentors will get the list of projects in one screen so they don't hve to open every sheet.
We have a section to write ruminate reflect and mentors will get the goals and they have to click one button to approve it. You can also mark goals as done, in progress, etc. This will help mentors to see if the mentees are working or not.
We have a section of workload manager where you get a graph of how much are you working and utilizing your day. Mentors can see if mentees aren't wasting their time.
In our website, all the data will be stored and you can see every small detail of any project you did. You can see your projects which your did 1,2,3,4 years before. It will be like your CV with every small detail you added like your tasks, evidence, ruminate reflect, etc.
You can attach evidence easily in this website, we give option to add the link of work you did or link of any image or upload any image.
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