
Praise Odosa Eghaghe

Data Analyst
Explore international debt data collected by The World Bank and analyze the total debt, the country with the maximum debt, and the average debt across different indicators. Uncover insights into global debt statistics from 1970 to 2015.
Managing debt is not only essential for individuals but also for countries. Infrastructure spending, for instance, often necessitates countries to acquire debt. The World Bank serves as a key organization that provides debt to countries. In this project, we delve into an analysis of international debt data collected by The World Bank. The dataset includes detailed information about the debt amounts (in USD) owed by developing countries across various categories. The objective is to answer critical questions, such as the total amount of debt owed by the countries, the country with the highest debt, and the average debt across different debt indicators.
What is the total amount of debt owed by the countries listed in the dataset?
Which country owns the maximum amount of debt, and what is the corresponding amount?
What is the average amount of debt owed by countries across different debt indicators?
The data used in this project is sourced from The World Bank. It encompasses national and regional debt statistics for numerous countries worldwide, recorded between 1970 and 2015.
Feel free to explore the code and findings in this repository to gain insights into the dynamics of international debt management and its impact on global economies.
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