Automation Email Sequence Case study

Paris Mack

Email Marketer
Digital Marketing Specialist

Problem: My client's autoresponder wasn't set up correctly. It was solely used to pitch their service to the reader (template shown below) Providing zero value.

Why is this a problem?

Well, Google rolled out a few updates in February 2024 in Gmail to stop senders using the churn-and-burn method of constantly pitching products/services. Bombarding subscribers with unwanted emails damages the sender's reputation.

As for the people on the other end of those emails, only a small percentage of customers are ready to purchase immediately after opting into an email sequence. So pitching them directly afterward not only lowers the chance of them making a purchase but also hurts the deliverability. Why? Because if they're being pitched something they're not interested in at the moment, they're less likely to open the email & more likely to send it to spam. Leading to decrease deliverability

My client's previous email sequence


Here's where I came into play. Instead of sending mostly spammy "buy this" type of emails I worked with Google's new update by providing user-friendly emails for my client that provided value, nurtured leads, and increased the sender's reputation.

All through a proven done-for-you email automation sequence that ensures the right emails were sent out at the right time. Plus uninterested subscribers were set to be segmented into a different list. This ensured my client's sender reputation was kept upright. Allowing him more time to focus on other things.

( Auto sequence shown below👇)

The auto sequence I implemented


The new email sequence I created resulted in a 34% increase in the open rate.

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