🔥 Liquid Death: CGI Commercial in UE5 🤘

Axel Oliva

3D Designer
Art Director
Motion Designer
Adobe After Effects
DaVinci Resolve
Unreal Engine
Liquid Death

🚀 Epic Tech Unleashed:

Diving headfirst into the madness, I harnessed the power of Unreal Engine 5's advanced materials, Niagara fluids, and a wickedly fantastic render engine to bring Liquid Death to life. The goal? To forge a beverage commercial that screams rebellion and innovation.

🎨 Crafting the Unreal:

The first step was to get my models from Sketchfab, I bring them into Unreal, making use of advanced materials and material functions. 

❄️ Ice, Ice, Maybe:

The complexities of refraction and translucency threw me into a frosty frenzy. This led me to a simpler material solution that left the ice cubes as cool as the other side of the pillow.

☠️ Cryogenic Symphony:

To amplify the chill factor, I used Niagara fluids to create a cryogenic smoke spectacle. Picture it – smoke swirling, interacting, and raising hell with the other models.

🌊 Collision of Chaos:

Getting the perfect shot of Niagara water systems colliding with the can, was no easy feat. As the multiple particle systems were added to the sequencer, my graphics card started sweating, bringing the playback to a rock-bottom 8 fps. But in the face of adversity, the perfect shot was cooked.

🎬 The Grand Finale in DaVinci Resolve:

I unleashed the magic of color grading, sound effects, and visual effects. It's here where the sequence found its rhythm, and Liquid Death roared to life. This magnificent software transformed my raw sequence into a finished product, elevating the overall aesthetic to unparalleled heights.

This exploration took me more time than what I expected, but in this insane odyssey, I've not only polished my CGI skills, but also embraced the spirit of Liquid Death – raw, unapologetic, and a middle finger to the ordinary.

Want to collaborate or have a fantastic project in mind?

Contact me or Drop me a line at ✉️ axxecuter@gmail.com

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