I enjoy working on a wide range of texts, love untangling mangled sentences, and am great at bringing clarity and purpose to confusing or boring copy. I’d be delighted to work with you to make sure your words are conveying your message clearly.
I’m a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and the Editorial Freelancers Association (EfA). As well as a master’s degree in linguistics to ensure I know my way around a paragraph, I’ve completed the Publishing Training Centre’s copy-editing course and have more than twenty years’ hands-on experience in the publishing industry. I was formerly an in-house copy-editor for Hodder & Stoughton’s religious division (now Hodder Faith) and have edited numerous books for Lion Hudson. Other clients include The Salvation Army, Tearfund, Scripture Union, Quakers in Britain and Preach magazine.
Clients have included:
For more details and client testimonials, seesarahgiles.co.uk, or contact me at sarah@sarahgiles.co.uk. I’d love to hear from you.
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Posted Apr 12, 2024
I've copy-edited books and magazines for more than 20 years, and am a member of the CIEP and EfA.