Procur - Sustainable Agriculture At Your Fingertips

Ghost Savvy Studios | Digital Design & Innovation Agency

Mobile Designer
Mobile Engineer
Web Developer
React Native

Project Overview

Procur is a technological solution that cuts down the procurement process flow of the traditional supply chain system. This way purchase managers get all the agri-products they need faster, easier and in good condition.


Purchase Managers

  1. Late delivery caused by complex & long traditional procurement processes hurt operations & revenue.
  2. Price mark up by middlemen raise procurement costs.
  3. Reduced productivity due to wastage of man-hours sourcing agri-products.
  4. Worries about logistics and transport from purchase point.

Farmers & Wholesalers

  1. Finding buyers for products.
  2. Low sales leading to wastage.
  3. Slow cash inflow rate.
  4. Reduced efficiency due to man hours lost to sales processes like finding buyers, negotiating prices, and managing logistics.

Importers & Exporters

  1. Sourcing and getting the needed quantity of products.
  2. Juggling other important aspects of business with logistics handling and management.


To build Procur, a transformative mobile application designed to revolutionize the procurement process for purchase managers in the Caribbean, a comprehensive development approach was adopted, focusing on creating a seamless mobile marketplace. Procur was conceived to address the unique challenges faced by purchase managers in restaurants and hotels, particularly in sourcing agricultural products essential for their operations. By recognizing the inefficiencies in the traditional supply chain, Procur introduces a technological solution that simplifies and accelerates the procurement flow, ensuring that agri-products are accessible, swiftly delivered, and in prime condition.

The development of Procur leveraged the robust capabilities of Nest.js for the backend, ensuring a scalable and efficient server-side application. MongoDB was chosen for its flexible, document-oriented database system, which perfectly supports the dynamic nature of agricultural product listings and transactions. For the mobile frontend, React Native was utilized, allowing for the creation of a responsive, intuitive user interface that offers a seamless experience across both iOS and Android platforms.

This strategic combination of technologies ensures that Procur not only facilitates a direct connection between farmers and purchase managers but also does so with an interface that is user-friendly and a backend that is reliable and capable of handling complex transactions. The development process was guided by a deep understanding of the procurement challenges in the Caribbean hospitality and restaurant sector, making Procur a tailored solution that empowers both sellers and buyers in the agricultural supply chain.



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