
Abdelrahman Abounegm

Frontend Engineer
QA Tester


📱 Listen to podcasts from any web browser
⬇️ Download podcasts to listen offline
📄 Read the transcript when listening is not an option
❤️ Save your favorite podcasts for quick access
☁️ Sync your favorites and listening history with a GitHub account



Quality assurance

The quality of this application and its codebase is secured with these awesome tools:
Feature-Sliced Design dictates code structure
ESLint and Prettier enforce code style and help catch bugs early on
TypeScript provides strict type safety
Husky installs Git hooks to run static checkers before each commit
Jest helps to test each unit in isolation
Cypress helps to test the application end-to-end
Lighthouse CI continously measures application performance
GitHub Actions run each pull request against a CI pipeline
Cloudflare Pages automatically deploy code for main and pull requests
UptimeRobot ensures the app is up and running
Codecov sets a reliable baseline for code coverage
OWASP Top Ten provides a security baseline that we follow

Running locally

Run it like any other Node.js app, first the dependencies, then the dev script:
pnpm install
pnpm dev


The source code of this project is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Click here to learn what that means.
The podcasts are used in the application with kind permission of copyright holders:
"План Б" by Т—Ж
"CaucasTalk" by Andrew & Eli
All rights to these podcasts belong to the owners.
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