Good Will Hunting: A Story of Conflict.

Jason Todd


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“The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself.” - Garth Brooks
Roughly translated as:
The greatest conflict is not the conflict between two people, but the conflict between a person and themselves.
Conflict is a basic element to make a story, or simply make the story more interesting and engaging.
In every story, there are always two forces opposing each other. Between these two forces are contradictions, and when the contradictions reach their peak, conflict will occur.
Everything we love about a story revolves around the main character wanting something but not knowing how to get it.
And the journey of the main character to try to achieve what they want all revolves around conflicts.
For example
Imagine the story of Troy but without the conflict between Greece and Troy.
From then on, there will be no classic war for Troy that lasted for 10 years and there will also be no heated confrontation between Achilles and Hector.
The famous wooden horse will never exist.
The story of Troy explores personal ambitions and rivalries between characters, both within the Greek and Trojan factions.
It explores themes of honor, loyalty, love, and the consequences of war.
And all of this is possible thanks to conflict.
These conflicts, both external and internal, are what make up the story.
It advances the story, creates tension, and engages the audience.
Abovend above all, conflict creates conditions for character development and is a way to exploit the character's inner self and go deeper into life's problems.
To be able to tell touching, understandable, and profound stories, conflict in the story is indispensable.
Main topic
Good will Hunting.
Will Hunting (played by Matt Damon), is a young janitor at MIT who possesses a genius-level IQ. Despite his outstanding intelligence, Will chose to work as a janitor and had a troubled life.
Everything changes when he solves a difficult math problem and attracts the attention of Professor Gerald Lambeau (played by Stellan Skarsgard). Professor Gerald recognizes Will's potential and decides to help him develop his full intellectual capacity.
Due to past trauma, Will has created emotional barriers, making it difficult for him to develop his talents, establish sincere relationships with those around him, and make changes. be positive in life.
But through relationships with many different individuals who try to support and guide Will, including his best friend Chuckie (played by Ben Affleck), his girlfriend Skylar (played by Minnie Driver) ) and psychiatrist Sean McGuire (played by Robin Williams), the audience gradually sees the positive change in Will's character.
The film's two screenwriters, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, created a compelling and emotional story with profound human meaning through different conflicts in the life of the character Will Hunting.
Movie conflict
External conflict.
Conflict with authorities:
Will Hunting has serious problems with the government, which is evident in Will's daily life, as he constantly gets into trouble and frequently violates the law.
And despite being arrested frequently, Will shows no signs of wanting to change.
Class conflict:
Will comes from the working class and he always has a hostile and disdainful attitude toward people from the upper class or the intellectual class.
Throughout the film, Will always encounters conflicts and confrontations with characters from this class.
A typical example is when Will argues with a group of college students in a bar.
Conflict between Will and Professor Gerald Lambeau:
Professor Gerald recognizes Will's potential and wants to help him develop his mathematical abilities so he can achieve success.
But Will completely rejected and resisted Gerald's instructions.
Conflict between Will and psychiatrist Sean McGuire:
Dr. Sean clearly sees Will's psychological problems and wants to help him confront and overcome emotional and psychological barriers.
But Will reacts to Sean with skepticism and resistance. Will is always on the defensive with Sean.
Conflict between Will and his girlfriend Skyler:
Skyler loves Will, she wants to have a sincere and deep emotional connection with Will.
Will is hesitant to open up and allow himself to be vulnerable in a romantic relationship with Skylar.
This causes him to push Skylar away and destroy their relationship.
Conflict between Professor Gerald and Doctor Sean:
Gerald wants to push Will to develop his talent whether he wants to or not because he believes it is necessary to do so.
Sean wants Will to make his own choice and whatever that choice is, he will accept it.
The conflict with Professor Gerald shows that Will has a strong, rebellious personality but is also very arrogant.
The audience sees in Will a hostility towards the government or anyone who represents a larger power such as people from the intellectual and upper class.
It is money used to create and advance the plot of the whole movie.
Thanks to the conflict with Professor Gerald, the conflict with Doctor Sean was created and thanks to the conflict with Doctor Sean, the conflict with his girlfriend Skylar became even more meaningful and profound.
This conflict is the first step in Will's journey of self-discovery.
The conflict between Dr. Sean and his girlfriend Skyler goes deeper into the characters' hearts.
Will is an orphan and in the past, Will was abused by the people responsible for taking care of him.
Through these two conflicts, the audience learns why Will has a rebellious personality and is hostile toward people with power or high status.
We see that in contrast to Will's rebellious personality, he is very sensitive and vulnerable, and that his rebellious and arrogant personality is just a way for Will to protect himself.
The focus of the entire film revolves around these conflicts.
These conflicts not only create the story but are also the elements that make the story more interesting and attractive, it is what attracts the audience to the story.
It plays an important role in the story, in character development and in the exploration of social barriers.
Through resolving these external conflicts, Will undergoes personal discovery and growth, frees himself from the constraints of society, and fulfills his true potential.
Internal conflict.
Will is passionate about mathematics and he wants to develop his potential. He also realizes that if his talent is not developed, it will be a waste, but he always opposes Professor Gerald when he wants to help him.
Will loves Skylar and wants to have a long-term relationship with her, but when Skylar asks Will to go with her, he pushes her away.
Will doesn't want the pain of his past to affect his present life, but he refuses help from Dr. Sean
Due to his past abuse, Will became distant and distrustful of those around him.
Will is hesitant to share his feelings for fear that it will leave him vulnerable and rejected.
This fear and potential frustration prevents Will from accepting support and guidance from others, ultimately hindering growth and destroying relationships with those who truly care about Will.
All conflicts in Will's life originate from conflicts within Will.
Conflict between desire and fear.
If external conflicts are what attract viewers to the story, then internal conflicts are what move viewers.
Not only do we understand more about Will, but we can also sympathize with Will.
Viewers and Will experience different depressions, and feel the desire for a better life but also understand the fear of failure, and fear of being hurt when opening up to others.
This conflict ultimately leads to change and a deeper understanding of himself while also causing Will to grow and heal himself.
By challenging Will's beliefs, forcing him to face his fears, insecurities, and past traumas.
These conflicts propel him on a journey of self-discovery and ultimately help him overcome his inner struggles so he can pursue a more fulfilling life.
The inner conflicts in the film serve as a powerful force for character development, personal growth, and the exploration of identity and vulnerability.
The film reminds us of the importance of acknowledging our inner conflicts, embracing vulnerability, and finding our true selves.
Conflict between ideas.
Social expectations and personal satisfaction
Gerald is a mathematics professor, Gerald's main focus in life is success and prestige. He believes that success is measured by achievement and intelligence. He wanted Will to follow a path similar to his own and considered any other path a failure.
On the other hand, Sean as Will's therapist understands the importance of personal growth, mental health, and finding your own path in life. Sean believes in the power of human relationships and the pursuit of happiness instead of meeting society's expectations.
This conflict between Gerald and Sean arises from their different perspectives on success, satisfaction, and the definition of a meaningful life.
The conflict between Sean and Gerald explores different philosophies of life. It emphasizes the tension between societal expectations and personal fulfillment, as well as the importance of individual autonomy in determining one's own path, rather than simply conforming to societal expectations. festival.
Conflict between intelligence and wisdom:
Will is a genius with outstanding intellectual abilities. However, he lacks the life experience to truly understand life deeply.
Will often appears arrogant and lacking in empathy, which hinders his ability to form meaningful connections with people.
Sean is a person with a lot of life experience and has a deep understanding of people, life, and relationships.
Thanks to that, Sean can easily feel and connect with people around him.
Sean and Will represent intelligence and wisdom.
Will uses his intelligence to challenge Sean to find a way to humiliate Sean so he doesn't have to open up to Sean.
With Sean's goodwill and kindness, Will gradually opens his heart and accepts to face the past so that he can look forward to a better future.
This conflict exploits two different values ​​of intelligence: intelligence and wisdom.
Challenge these two values ​​by pitting them against each other but ultimately emphasize the importance of both and above all convey a message of compassion.
Conflict between choosing safety and taking risks:
Will has a brilliant mind and possesses enormous intellectual potential, but he is hesitant to step out of his comfort zone and take risks that could lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
Will's history of abuse and fear of getting hurt makes him inclined to seek safety and resist taking risks.
Will builds emotional walls to protect himself from pain and rejection. As a result, he often sabotages his chances for success and relationships in life.
Throughout the film, different characters, like Dr. Sean encourage Will to face his fears, step outside his comfort zone, and take risks.
The conflict between choosing safety and taking risks is portrayed through Will's internal struggle.
He must decide whether to continue playing it safe, continuing with a familiar but incomplete life, or accept risks, facing the possibility of failure and disappointment but with it the possibility of finding happiness. truly blessed.
This conflict emphasizes the importance of accepting uncertainty and facing challenges as a way to grow.
Suggests that true growth and fulfillment often require taking risks and facing the fear of failure.
Will's journey highlights the importance of balancing safety with a willingness to take risks to reach one's full potential.
The philosophical conflicts in "Good Will Hunting" add depth to the story by exploring different themes and values ​​by challenging and questioning thereby motivating the characters and the audience to reflect on their own beliefs and values.
It serves as a reminder that an individual's wisdom and growth can be found through different paths and through human relationships.
Name meaning
Good Will Hunting can be understood in two senses.
“Will Hunting is a good person” or “Will Hunting is a good person”
The meaning of the title "Good Will Hunting" is a play on words with many meanings.
In its own way, it suggests that the main character, Will Hunting, possesses goodwill, good intentions, or benevolence.
Additionally, the title can be interpreted as Will Hunting's pursuit of goodwill or kindness throughout the entire film.
What changed Will's life was Dr. Sean's generosity and kindness (also known as goodwill).
The combination of these two interpretations reflects Will's journey toward personal growth and finding purpose in life.
The film explores themes of trauma, self-worth, and the power of human relationships.
Will's interactions with Professor Gerald, his friends, his girlfriend Skylar, and Dr. Sean ultimately shape his path and help him face past traumas and fears.
Ultimately, Will makes the brave decision to leave his familiar environment and pursue new opportunities.
The film ends with a touching moment when Chuckie discovers that Will has left to pursue a better life, fulfilling his long-held wish.
Will is said to be embarking on a journey to explore new possibilities and experiences, leaving behind his troubled past and embracing a brighter future.
Through creating and developing different conflicts in the life of the character Will Hunting, the movie "Good Will Hunting" conveys and emphasizes many messages about:
The importance of relationships, learning to overcome fear, taking risks, and above all the power of goodwill and compassion.
These messages help inspire audiences, making them reflect on their own lives and relationships.
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Posted Jun 19, 2024

Review of the Movie Good Will Hunting.






Content Writer

Video Producer

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Jason Todd

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