Puff Count - Lifestyle (React Native)

David Miller

React Native Developer
Material UI
React Native
Puff Count

Senior Mobile Developer - React Native

  • Led the development of the Puff Count mobile application using React Native, delivering a high-quality, cross-platform app.
  • Implemented key functionalities of the Puff Count application, including real-time tracking of usage, notifications, and personalized user dashboards.
  • Integrated various third-party APIs to enhance app capabilities, such as analytics and user authentication services.
  • Conducted comprehensive testing and debugging to ensure optimal performance and a bug-free user experience across both iOS and Android platforms.
  • Collaborated with UI/UX designers to ensure the application provided an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.
  • Maintained and updated the app post-launch, incorporating user feedback and implementing new features to enhance user satisfaction and app functionality.

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