MyTube - A YouTube clone

Akhilraj Nambiar


Android Developer

Fullstack Engineer

Android Studio

MyTube - A YouTube clone

MyTube is an app that was created to improve my overall skills in Android, and to showcase my immense love for an app like YouTube.
There is no sign-in with google involved in this app, so definitely do check this out for free, without any fear of privacy issues.
But for all those who don't have Android Studio on their PCs, I am attaching a video link to the overall working of the app.
The following video just shows the comments and replies section that was implemented for the videos.
The Home screen fragment by default shows a mix of trending videos in India and USA.
A channel description page
A channel description page
Playing the video of a channel
Playing the video of a channel
Videos List
Videos List
Library Section
Library Section
Comments section as similar to YouTube!!
Comments section as similar to YouTube!!
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Posted Mar 5, 2024

An android MVVM clone of Youtube created completely from scratch. Uses the Youtube data API. Has no signup/login features, rather direct search and watch video…






Android Developer

Fullstack Engineer

Android Studio