
Deepak Navaria

Software Engineer

Image Exif Data Extraction Utility


This project is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for extracting EXIF data from images and generating output in various formats.

Table of Contents


To install and run this project locally, follow these steps:

Change to the project directory:

cd go_image_exif_do

Build the project using the Makefile:

make build


To use the project, execute the generated binary file with the appropriate command-line flags. The available flags are:

--input_path: Path to the input file or directory.

--output_path: Path to the output directory.

--output_format: Output format (e.g., json, csv, html).

Example usage:

./go_image_exif_do --input_path /path/to/input --output_path /path/to/output --output_format csv

Replace /path/to/input with the actual path to your input file or directory. Similarly, replace /path/to/output with the desired path for the output directory. You can also change csv to your preferred output format, such as json or html.


This project includes a Makefile that provides several targets to help with building, cleaning, and testing the project. Here are the available targets:

all: The default target that builds the project (depends on build).

build: Compiles the project using go build and creates the binary.

clean: Cleans up the project by running go clean and removing the binary.

test: Runs tests using go test in the specified directory.

To execute a target, navigate to the project directory in your terminal and use the make command followed by the target name. For example, to build the project, run:

make build

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