See You in The Future, there’s a lot to unpack here. It’s almost like a slap back to reality, and it leaves little snippets relating back to the rest of the songs on the album. It really puts a big red circle on the chaotic reality that is everyday life with the media. If you look up this song on streaming services and other distributors now, the name will say See You in in The Future. As fans do with an album release, sometimes they get a tattoo to represent the album or a song in some way. Well, twitter user @seeyouinin
got a tattoo of this song, only the artist messed up the title. Knight saw the tattoo, and
tweeted back to them saying “HEY I SAW YOUR TATTOO AND I FIGURED THE LEAST WE COULD DO IS CHANGE THE SONG TITLE FOR U.” Unfortunately, the title stayed the same on YouTube, but it was changed on Spotify and Apple Music.