Saudades, Brasil.

Luiza Coulaud


Graphic Designer

Editorial Designer

Multimedia Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Saudade [sawl-dadjee] (noun) 1 Brazilian word that describes a deep nostalgic feeling triggered by missing something special. 2 the memory of something with a desire for it.
Saudades, Brasil started out as a way to pay homage to the country I was born and grew up in. The project as a whole aims to represent the genuine Brazilian aesthetic through the eyes of Brazilian kids, taking into consideration the intersection of culture, language and place being presented through the concept of saudade. Its main intention is to be a compilation of memories, experiences, and places in which Brazilian kids, who have left home, share a deep feeling of saudade.
The main body of this project is a 124-page book that introduces Brazil in its whole beautifulness and glory, in addition to being a way to share experiences of so mentioned Brazilian kids in regards to saudades.
Overview of the project’s main deliverable. For better visualization, click .
As a whole, postcards are a way to share experiences in regards to place. This set of postcards serves as a way to represent infamous, as well as so not infamous, Brazilian landmarks, as well as a method of sharing experiences about those places.
A big part of Brazilian culture is gírias (slang), which are very specific and characteristic of the culture and language from different states throughout Brazil. This dictionary serves as a brief introduction and overview of different slang from the five different regions of Brazil. 
For better visualization of the Saudade dictionary, click .
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Posted Sep 6, 2023

Multimedia project that served as my capstone project at Emily Carr University of Art + Design.






Graphic Designer

Editorial Designer

Multimedia Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

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Designing Women