Powerful Benefits Of Neem In Ayurveda

Rohan Mahalanabish


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Powerful Benefits Of Neem In Ayurveda

Neem is recognised as one of the major herbs of Ayurvedic medicine, which typically serves as a powerful detoxifier and blood purifier. Neem tree is also recognised as “Indian Lilac”, “Margosa” which grows in the tropical region of India. The medicinal potential of Neem tree includes the non-wood products like fruits, gums, leaves, flowers, seeds, oil. Additionally, the residue left after the oil is pressed from the needed seeds also works as a beneficiary medicine for all of us.
Neem tree is also commonly highlighted as “arista” in Sanskrit, which refers to an element that is durable, complete and perfect. The Sanskrit term for the Neem tree is “Nimba”, which comes from the word “nimbati swasthyamdadati” meaning “offering better health”.

Uses Of Neem

Now, let’s just have a look at the potential uses of Neem:

For Arthritis & Inflammation:

Some of the studies have suggested that the variety of chemicals found in Neem contains anti-arthritic & anti-inflammatory properties. Usage of Neem can also lower the chances of having problems associated with pain, inflammation & swelling. Individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis, which can be the direct consequence of auto-immune reactions to protect inflammations & joint pains.

For Liver:

Application of Neem can also help you get relief from liver problems & assist in the purification of blood. The Neem leaf can also prove to be tremendously helpful in terms of liver damage on account of harsh chemicals by accelerating the antioxidant levels & stabilizing enzyme levels.

For Immunity:

Neem leaf can also help you to boost immunity power as it can provide assistance with lymphotic immune systems & cell mediated immune systems. Since the usage of Neem leaf can offer assistance to immune systems, therefore it can help in killing harmful viruses as well as microbes.

For Brain:

Neem leaf also contains significant properties that are good for better brain functioning. Additionally, it can also cure brain damage for the benefit of stroke patients by increasing the levels of Ascorbic Acids like Vitamin C.

For Oral Care:

The antimicrobial properties of Neem can help to fight with the oral problems like plaque reduction, gingivitis etc. The Neem twigs have antiseptic properties that help in regulating the overall oral hygiene.

For Stomach:

Stomach problems like Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is widely recognised as a common issue. However, using Neem leaves can decrease the acid secretion in your stomach by nearly 77%, while regulating the stomach secretion process.

For Heart:

Excessive Cholesterol levels, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and blood clots are one of the most probable causes of heart attacks. The extracts of neem leaf have the potential to reduce the impacts of blood pressure, blood clotting, bad cholesterol & can help you get relief from irregular heartbeats.
Previously, we have discussed the beneficial uses of Neem and now let’s dive deeper into the potential uses of Neem to reap the most out of it. Neem can be used in various ways like Neem oil, Neem twigs, Neem leaf extracts, leaf extracts from flowers etc. However, you need to consult with your doctor for the consumption of these Ayurvedic supplements & right amount of dosage.
Here are also certain precautions, which you should know prior to the consumption of Neem:
If you are a pregnant woman, then you should consult with your Physician before consuming it.

Final Thoughts

Finally, it can be concluded that Neem is an immensely powerful herb as mentioned in Ayurveda for curing various health issues. Therefore, this is the only reason for which it is stated as an element that contributes towards better health in Ayurveda.
For more such such important ayurvedic tips, trick & information visit https://dakshinkaushal.co.in/.
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Posted Jul 7, 2024

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