
Manish Agarwal

Automation Engineer
Backend Engineer
Google Cloud Functions

Auto Reply to Emails

This Node.js application is designed to automatically respond to emails received in a Gmail mailbox while the user is on vacation. The app utilizes Google APIs to interact with the Gmail service, allowing it to check for new emails, send replies to emails with no prior replies, and add labels to and move the emails within the mailbox. The app operates in random intervals of 45 to 120 seconds


Upon running the application, it will prompt you to authorize the app by visiting a generated URL. Open the provided URL in a web browser and authorize the application with your Gmail account. Copy the authorization code and paste it back into the command line interface.
The application will start checking for new emails, and if any unread emails are found, it will send an auto-reply to each email with no prior replies. The auto-reply content can be modified within the replyToEmail function in the app.js file.
The application will also create a custom label named "AUTO_REPLIED_MAILS" if it doesn't already exist. All replied emails will be labeled with this custom label and moved to the respective labeled section within the Gmail mailbox.
The process of checking for emails, sending replies, and labeling emails will repeat in random intervals between 45 and 120 seconds.
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