Wedge — Tech SaaS Startup (Framer)

Ikbal H.

Web Designer
Web Developer
Framer Designer

Wedge, a burgeoning tech SaaS startup, embarked on a journey to disrupt the recruitment industry with their innovative video interviewing platform. This case study delves into our collaboration with Wedge to develop and launch their product.


Wedge faced challenges typical of startups, including limited resources and fierce competition. Moreover, breaking into the HR tech sector demanded a product that not only functioned flawlessly but also stood out amidst a crowded market.


Our team began by conducting extensive market research to identify key pain points and user needs. We then collaborated closely with Wedge to develop a user-friendly platform leveraging the latest technologies and design principles. The platform allowed recruiters to conduct video interviews efficiently, saving time and resources.


The launch of Wedge's platform was met with enthusiasm from both recruiters and job seekers. The intuitive interface and robust features garnered praise, leading to a rapid increase in user adoption. Within six months of launch, Wedge had secured partnerships with several prominent HR firms and reported a significant increase in revenue.


Through strategic collaboration and innovative solutions, Wedge successfully established itself as a disruptive force in the HR tech landscape. This case study underscores the importance of understanding user needs and leveraging technology to drive success in the startup ecosystem.

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