Surreal feel

Gabriela Veras


Photo Editor

Adobe Photoshop

The goal with this project was to create a unique instagram feed for a local influencer, to not have too many repeated effects and also showcase the clothes when he had a deal with a local clothing brand.

How it was

He originally had this really simple feed that he considered was too generic, photos taken with a cellphone, with little to no edit and that did not represented an account with, at the moment, more than 15k followers

The moodboard

It was created with the idea that it had to be as colorful as possible, he is a really colorful and loud character so the photos had to represent, even thought this was the plan, as the feed evolved it became more realistic but surreal.

The result

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Posted Aug 19, 2022

To create surreal edits






Photo Editor

Adobe Photoshop

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Ilustrated book covers
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