Get enough sleep (if possible] Getting enough sleep can do wonders for your overall health. Poor sleep means less energy to function from one day to the next. A lack of adequate sleep can cause a sluggish metabolism, increased stress, trouble concentrating, and the inability to feel clear of thoughts. Proper sleep leads to a healthier heart which can prevent heart disease and other medical conditions. Don't neglect to get enough sleep and try these tips so that you can get more rest. Just make sure that you get a good quality night’s sleep to avoid being dehydrated and falling asleep without enough proper time to relax. When the day is over, turn off cell phones and computers and go straight to sleep to avoid unnecessary thoughts. In addition to sleeping, get outdoors and participate in physical activities that also boost your immune system which will protect against dehydration. Go play sports, read books, and listen to music that you love. For instance, if you love playing soccer and you’re feeling particularly tired or lethargic, try going outside to run. Make sure that you drink lots of water when it comes to sports so that you stay hydrated throughout the day. These simple changes to your life can lead to improved self-care abilities, less depression, and a healthier mind to handle the heat and the demands of working outside during summer.