MAd AI Lab

Deepak Gunpal

Fullstack Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
**MAd Ai Lab Work Description:**
During my time at Talk Valley, I was deeply involved in the development of MAd Ai Lab, a research paper library tailored for researchers and students. Here's a comprehensive overview of my contributions and responsibilities:
- **Project Overview:** MAd Ai Lab serves as a comprehensive library for research papers, designed to empower researchers and students by providing filtered and searchable access to selected papers, facilitating effective knowledge building.
- **Adoption of Next.js 13:** I played a pivotal role in recommending and implementing the adoption of Next.js 13 App Router for MAd Ai Lab. This strategic decision aimed to leverage its improved routing, SEO, and other capabilities to enhance the platform's overall performance.
- **Technical Expertise:** I was involved in the development of technical features, enhancing the platform's functionality and user experience using JavaScript. Additionally, I worked with MongoDB for data storage.
My work on MAd Ai Lab showcased my ability to contribute to the development of specialized research tools and my proficiency in Next.js, JavaScript, and MongoDB to improve knowledge-building platforms.
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