Web app for Barbershop clients and admins

André Vieira

Web Designer
Web Developer
React Native Developer


After a research on the services provided by barbershops this project was developed thinking about how we could improve the barbershops services, both for clients and for barbershops and entrepreneurs.


Our goal from the beginning was to create a viable solution for barbershop users and also for barbers who have found it difficult to manage the demands of their establishments.

Technologies & tools

This project was developed mainly with React JS. These are all libraries we use:

Components & styles

Material-UI, Styled-components, Framer Motion, React Card Flip, React Multi Carousel, React Scroll, React Toastify.

Routes and API

React Router DOM, axios, Jwt - decode


React Hook Form, Yup


Cypress, Jest


Here are some demonstrations of the Barberstone project:


Application presentation. In addition to welcoming the user, it gives a brief introduction to how it can help you.

Client Profile

The user has access to their last calls and their personal data that may be important for scheduling.

Barber Profile

The barber shop, in turn, controls all your schedules, being able to finalize them and add new bars who will appear as an option for the client.

User accessing the Barber shop page

When the user accesses the profile of a barbershop he has access to the latest schedules of that establishment, in addition to the information recorded by the barbershop itself in order to attract the attention of its customers, such as leisure options.


Here is the link to the Barberstone project figma Barberstone Figma
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