SpotList - Find and take a closer look at your favorite spots
Preston Zen
Mobile Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
AI Application Developer
React Native
SpotList helps you find spots quickly by combining information from Google Places, Facebook Posts, Foursquare Venues, Sqoot Deals, and Yelp Businesses.
Find Spots Easily: Quickly find spots around you or anywhere in the world using the search function.
Check Deals: See relevant deals in your search area. You can link directly to these deals (Deals are currently available only in the United States).
Facebook Insights: See posts from local Facebook Pages to learn about happy hours, live music, specials, events, etc.
Important Info: Access important info such as route details, Uber availability and cost estimates, menus, reservations, etc., from the Spot screen.
Ratings & Reviews: View ratings and highlights from Foursquare, Google, and Yelp on one screen. Tap the icons to visit the full review pages.
Spot Deals: See deals at the spot you are viewing, followed by nearby deals. You can link directly to these deals (available only in the United States).