
Vukan Cekic

Backend Engineer
Lusi is a programming language designed to be simple and easy to use. It is a interpreted language, meaning that code written in Lusi is executed directly by the Lusi interpreter. Lusi is statically typed and supports features such as variables, functions, conditionals, loops, and more.
Lusi's syntax is inspired by other popular programming languages such as C, Python, and JavaScript. It uses braces for code blocks, semicolons to terminate statements, and keywords for control structures.
The Lusi interpreter is written in C#, and the source code is available on GitHub. The interpreter consists of a scanner, parser, and interpreter. The scanner tokenizes the input code, the parser constructs an abstract syntax tree (AST), and the interpreter executes the code by traversing the AST.
Lusi is still in development and may not have all the features of a fully-fledged programming language. However, it serves as a good learning tool for anyone interested in programming language design and implementation.
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