
Abdulwasiu Abdullahi

Web Developer

News Hub

This is a Django-React web application that allows users to create, read and edit posts.The home page will list all posted news from the backend, the detail page is reserved for each individual post. It also provides search and filtering functionality through API endpoints,
News Hub uses django and django rest framework for it backend and React.js as client side for fetching Api endpoints, and both served on the same server and port!

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The following technologies were used for this project:
[Django REST Framework]
[Material Ui]

Running this App

Before Running this app, you need to have Git, Python and Node.js, installed.

Clone the app

fork and clone this repository.
Switch to project directory before running the below commands.

Frontend Setup

cd frontend in the project root.
Run npm install to fetch the frontend dependencies.
Run npm start to spin up a development server.
Run npm run build to create a production build of frontend.

Backend Setup

Create a virtual environment

Activate the virtual environment

Install dependencies

Configure Postgres

Make migrations

Migrate apps and database

Collect Static files

Run Tests

Start server


RESTful Api - It follows Rest architectural style
JSON Web Token -JWT - Secure data transmission b/w this app and it users
Unit Testing -Pytest - Manually test each component to ensure it works correctly
Token base authentication - Djoser - Provides basic view for auth actions
SMTP Email Server - Email Delivery and Communication for sending and receiving email
Powerful DB Queries- Filtring, Search - This app provides refine search results of model to user
React - Router - Provide easy navigation for this app without refreshing the page
Redux Toolkit - A central store that provide easy access to data across all components

Exploring Some endpoints Locally

Run below codes in the terminal or use any api client such as postman.


The endpoints, expected payloads, and responses are described below.

Get all news items


GET api/v1/posts/

Server Response

Get Posts by Category


GET /api/v1/posts/?post_category=tech


Server Response

Create a user


POST api/v1/auth/users/


Server Response

Activate a user


POST api/v1/auth/users/activation/


Server Response

Other Endpoints

POST /api/v1/comment/post/<post-slug>/
GET /api/v1/post/<str:slug>/
GET /api/v1/posts/?post_category=tech
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