DesignPing | Framer Website

Wesley Odom

Web Designer
Web Developer
Framer Designer
For the longest time, I wanted to run my own design business, so I finally stepped out and created DesignPing.
With DesignPing, I wanted to create something that was set up for growth as I take more and more clients on. I decided to brand it was an agency rather than just myself. I had an idea of what I wanted for my colors, and the vibe I was going for, but the name evaded me for weeks.
I knew I was going to offer a subscription model for those who needed more regular design services, so I thought of how that communication between my clients and I would work. I eventually had the word "ping" pop into my head, and it really stuck.
From there it was just getting all my processes in order and creating the site in Framer.
As a designer, it's always so much harder to work on your own stuff, but I'm super happy with where the site ended up, and I was so excited to share it once it was done. I made a quick promo video to post on my socials, and I was very proud of it too.
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