Jumbo Privacy

Thibaut Massard


Android Developer

Mobile Engineer

Android Studio



Jumbo Privacy was an app that helped users take back control of their online privacy and security. The app was subscription-based and generated $2.5M ARR with up to 100k weekly active users at its peak. Jumbo was acquired by Coalition in July 2023.
Jumbo's Google Play Store listing
Jumbo's Google Play Store listing
As an Android engineer I built, shipped and maintained several features using the technologies and frameworks listed below in the tech section. Some highlights of the work that I've personally done as an Android developer:
Implement entire features (2FA, Family Sharing, Twitter scan) in Kotlin using coroutines, dependency injection (Dagger2), Compose (and other Jetpack libraries), all within our existing MVI architecture
Do weekly code reviews
Ship new features to production on a weekly basis
Be mentored by the two other well experienced (10+ years) Android engineers


The app's features included:
Clean up your social media content: auto-delete Tweets, Instagram posts, Facebook posts and either store them on your device or delete them forever.
Delete & archive your Tweets
Delete & archive your Tweets
Scan your social media privacy settings: the app will scan the privacy settings of GAFA apps (Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, Google) and give recommendations to be more private + a one-tap button to let Jumbo fix it
Delete searches and other recordings: Jumbo can delete on a regular basis Google searches, Google locations, Amazon voice recordings, Facebook searches, LinkedIn searches
Turn off Google Search auto-save
Turn off Google Search auto-save
Block 500+ trackers: trackers are the equivalent of cookies but for smartphones, allowing companies to know the user's online behavior and show targeted ads. By installing a VPN profile on device, Jumbo is able to block the most common trackers.
Block 500+ trackers
Block 500+ trackers
Enable 2FA with 1-tap on major apps: with 1 button, users can enable 2FA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. 2FA codes are stored in the app and easy to access when needed.
Monitor your data breaches: Jumbo will monitor potential breaches daily for as many email addresses as you want and notify you immediately if any new breach is found.
Identity Theft Insurance: for users located in the US, Jumbo offers a $1M identity theft insurance, allowing users to get their money back if it gets stolen due to an identity theft.
Sign up for Identity Insurance


The Android app used the following technologies:
100% Kotlin
Jetpack Compose
MVI architecture
Navigation Library
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Posted Oct 16, 2023

Built the app from the ground up with 2 teammates. Shipped and maintained new features weekly using the latest Android technologies.






Jumbo Privacy


Android Developer

Mobile Engineer

Android Studio

