481 PantomBound

Madison Hess



June 3rd, 1981 started out like any other day. I woke up, pet my dog, Eeyore, used the facilities and inhaled my cup of joe. As any normal person, I went to check the mail box. Which in the end, woke me up more than my Colombian dark roast ever could.
There was the usual junk, bills and a letter.
A letter?
I haven’t gotten one of those in ages…
The return address only had a name- “481 PhantomBound”
Claimed to be the master of the house. Said that if I don’t follow their orders then I will pay. They also said something about no authority figures?
I thought it was little Bailey next door for sure.
Then, another one came. This time with no name and no address.

Now here me. Here me as I walk the halls of 481 westbound drive. Here my voice whisper your names. I will continue to be watching over you. Making sure you do no evil. Making sure you don’t misbehave. If you do there will be punishments. I control the house so now I control you. If you dare step out of line I will turn the house against you. You are my prisoner now.
What the actual fuck?!
I had to read it about 50 times to believe it.
Hell to even understand it.
I didn’t even know if I wanted to go back inside at that point.
I soon realized that I had to, Eeyore is in there. I can’t leave him with whatever that thing is.
If there even is a thing of course. This is all probably some halloween prank from a teen in the neighborhood.
It has to be…right?
I immediately ran back inside, locking all my doors and closing all possible curtains. I grabbed my pup and hid in a corner next to my favorite house plant.
I of course, called the cops, while in said corner. They laughed at me at first telling me to “go screw myself”.
Like any normal cop would probably do in this situation. Thinking I was some kid playing a Halloween prank or that one was playing one on me.
They stopped laughing when I said the PhantomBound and my address.
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Posted Nov 22, 2023

A short story I wrote for my personal blog





