Oskar Wonneberger

CG Artist / Generalist

Rising talent

Oskar is ready to kick off new projects!


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Meet Oskar

Quick responderReplies to messages within 24 hours.
Identity verifiedVetted for secure and trusted collaboration.

Hey there! I'm Oskar - a freelance CG Artist specializing in 3D Visualization and Modeling for linear and real time content. With an emphasis on attention to detail and reliability, I consistently deliver high-quality work that exceeds expectations. I'd love to hear about your business and how I can be of help to you!


$50 - $75/hr

Skills and tools
3D Renderer
3D Modeler
3D Animator
Render Artist
Adobe Substance
Unreal Engine
Autodesk 3ds Max
Autodesk Maya
Cinema 4D


(GMT+2) Eastern European Time (EET), ± 5 hours

Fluent in German • Professional Working Proficiency in English • Limited Working Proficiency in French