Achieving Goals with Digital Marketing & Design

Crypto Social Media | Mobile UI UX Design
Crypto Social Media | Mobile UI UX Design

A design for a crypto social media app that blends user-friendly design with cryptocurrency functionality.Collaborating with a client on this project.

Mobile Designer
Mobile Engineer
Fullstack Engineer

Strathmore Connect | Digital Marketing +  System Design
Strathmore Connect | Digital Marketing + System Design

Strathmore Connect is an application meant to solve a problem for Strathmore Students struggling to get involved in Campus activities.

Brand Designer
Web Designer
Digital Marketer
Tailwind CSS

Strathmore Application | Frontend + Backend
Strathmore Application | Frontend + Backend

Strathmore Connect is an application created to solve communication issues at Strathmore University. Made using MongoDB, Express JS, Node Js, React & Frame.

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Database Specialist