Feminine Health & Wellness Copywriter

Email Campaign for Pure Wellness Co.

This project was written with the goal to get more sign-ups for a women's wellness retreat.

Email Marketer
Content Writer
Google Apps
Google Docs

AD Campaigns for Pure Wellness Co.
AD Campaigns for Pure Wellness Co.

These project include AD campaigns for a women's wellness service. The aim is to get more women to sign up for a one-day wellness retreat.

Digital Marketer
Google Apps
Google Docs

Product Description for Bloom Balance
Product Description for Bloom Balance

This is a product description for a mock female supplement called Bloom Balance.

Google Apps
Google Docs

Self Care During Menopause
Self Care During Menopause

A blogpost on how women can improve their menopausal health through self care

Content Editor
Content Writer
Google Docs

Career and Motherhood: A Cheat Sheet
Career and Motherhood: A Cheat Sheet

A blogpost to advertise WeSucceed, an e-learning and recruitment platform for Women. It aims to help women effectively balance career and motherhood.

Content Writer
Content Research
Google Apps
Google Docs