Margherita Passarini

Cartoon children's book illustrator 📚🎨✨

Rising talent

Margherita is ready to kick off new projects!


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Meet Margherita

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Experienced children's illustrator with cartoon style. I take care of the entire creative process of your children's book. In my illustrations I like to create funny and amusing characters by placing them in lively and dynamic settings. I love drawing animals and natural environments and I cherish the theme of travel, where characters can explore new places and meet people with different cultures


$25 - $50/hr

Skills and tools
Digital illustrator
Game Designer
Editorial Designer
Game Developer
Fashion Designer
Print Designer
Packaging Designer
Fashion Stylist
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Animate
Adobe Illustrator
Microsoft Excel


(GMT+1) Central European Time (CET), ± 1 hour

Professional Working Proficiency in Italian • Limited Working Proficiency in English