Graphic Designer, Illustrator

BYOU - Packaging design
BYOU - Packaging design

Product packaging design for a soluble vitamin brand.

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Packaging Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Album cover
Album cover

Album cover for Heritage Listed

Graphic Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Craft Beer Cans
Craft Beer Cans

Cans design for craft beers

Packaging Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Editorial design project
Editorial design project

Micro edition to pay tribute to Mariel Nils' 'PicNic' typeface

Editorial Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop

Branding l Aï Smash
Branding l Aï Smash

Visual identity for Aï Smash l Dj on Bordeaux (France) electronic scene, passing through house, disco with world music influences.

Brand Designer


Set of stickers for collectors.

Graphic Designer
Print Designer

Daily reminder calendar
Daily reminder calendar

Editorial project: Perpetual calendar - 1 thing to remember every day

Graphic Designer
Print Designer
Editorial Designer

Fértil Fest - Brand Identity
Fértil Fest - Brand Identity

Fértil fest is an eco-festival promoting sustainable values through workshops, talks and concerts. - LOGO l POSTER l BANNER l ICONES l STICKERS

Graphic Designer
Print Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Pizza Lova - Brand Identity
Pizza Lova - Brand Identity

Identity for a temporary pizzeria, sought a visual that would not only reflect its dedication to food but but also provide a unique & funky experience

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer

I met myself - Photo/Editorial Design
I met myself - Photo/Editorial Design

This photo/typo edition is an ode to the human experience. It invites you to explore the tapestry of emotions, trough an inner journey

Graphic Designer
Print Designer
Editorial Designer
Adobe InDesign