Modern UIs, More Clients! Web Designer/Developer

Flemmo Portfolio Website
Flemmo Portfolio Website

Flemming-Ole Fries is a Motion Designer & Video Editor who needed a modern looking portfolio to showcase his work to potential customers.

Web Designer
Webflow Developer

Ambulanter Palliativ- und HospizDienst Hannover | Start
Ambulanter Palliativ- und HospizDienst Hannover | Start

The Ambulante Palliativ- und HospizDienst Hannover needed a redo of their previous website. The focus was on building out a responsive version of the site.

Web Designer
Webflow Developer

Running School of Hannover | Start
Running School of Hannover | Start

Running School of Hannover needed a completely new and modern websites that would accurately describe their services and get leads to book a free training.
