
Keren Jamgbadi ⚡

1 of 1 solutions for 1 of 1 brands! 🔥

Rising talent

Keren is ready to kick off new projects!


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Meet Keren

Top independentRecognized by Contra as a top-rated freelancer.
Quick responderReplies to messages within 24 hours.
Identity verifiedVetted for secure and trusted collaboration.

With over 6 years of experience, my process centers around one single thing - Finding what makes you different. What makes you stand out in a room full of competitors? Because at the end of the day, an excellent brand that gets lost in the crowd will never outperform a mediocre brand that finds a way to be seen. So, do you want to be seen? Send me a message and we can get started!


$75 - $100/hr

Skills and tools
Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Brand Strategist
Packaging Designer
Print Designer
Social Content Design
Social Media Strategist
Product Designer
Visual Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe XD


(GMT+1) Central European Time (CET), ± 5 hours

Fluent in English • Professional Working Proficiency in French