Experienced QA Tester | Mobile apps & Web

Test plans, Test scripts and User stories
Test plans, Test scripts and User stories

I will create Test plans, write the Test scripts for QA testing of your build version ahead of the next release.

Project Manager
QA Engineer
QA Tester
Manual Testing

Software Testing | Mobile Apps & Web
Software Testing | Mobile Apps & Web

I have proven experience as a Quality Assurance Tester (functional & non-functional testing), experience in Project Management, in Agile & Scrum methodologies

QA Engineer
QA Tester

Get a full report to show you what to fix in your app or website
Get a full report to show you what to fix in your app or website

I was the QA Engineer who tested this website. Various UI defects and broken links were identified. Each bug, steps to reproduce plus attachments were provided.

QA Tester