Explore Hindi-speaking scikit-learn projects on Contra
Occupancy Prediction
Fraud Detection
Movie Recommendation System
Advanced NLP Techniques for Disaster Text Classification
House Price Prediction Model
AI-Powered Stroke Prediction System
Product Review Sentiment with Automl & BalzingText
Taxi Fare Amount and Generous Customer Prediction
Winning space race with data science
Compare machine learning classification algorithms
Use data science Python libraries to forecast housing prices
Movie Recommendations
Persona Development - Customer Segmentation
Sales Forecasting Using Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Text Classification In Python Using TFIDF Vectorizer
Predictive Analysis In Python | Data Science Projects
Market Basket Analysis In Python | Data Science Projects
Sentiment Analysis In Python | NLP Projects
Masked Language Modeling In Python | NLP Projects
Language Translation Model In Python | NLP Projects
Malware Detection using Machine Learning techniques
Insurance Subscription Prediction Using Machine Learning
Food Recipes Rating System based on Sentiment analysis
Movies Recommender
GitHub - iguptashubham/customer-intent-prediction: Logistic reg…
Crop Recommendation MLflow EC2
Loan Prediction System
Customer Segmentation Analysis
An interactive image annotation pipeline
Kaggle PlayGround series competitions
Electricity demand prediction
Shipment Price Prediction
Predicting Earthquake Magnitude: Insights from 28 Years of Seism