Explore projects by French-speaking Design Systems Specialists on Contra
30 Days design system challenge
Bring Mobile to Life
Ivorypay - Crypto payment gateway
Helight | Social Media Graphics
Daomos- Dapp
NutriNest - Full Mobile App Design
Lifetune - Full Web App Design
Designs Ops & Design System | Butterfly Network
Mobile App Design | Nukshuk Habit Tracking App
Telehealth Product | Patina Mobile App
CRM Software Design | MedsNow CRM
Delight users with Rive
Manufacturing SaaS | Sustainment
The B2C Redesign that’s Unlocking the European Market
MintKnight [NFT · Blockchain]
Enhancing User Experience for a major French Gardening Brand
Streamlining Product Design for Mobile App
Revamping an Institutionnal Platform to provide a great UX.
UEFA Europa League - Brand Refresh
Yafooz App / Product Design
Mobile App Design for iPhone & Android
Crafting a Unified and Innovative Design System
Kraken - Designing at scale
IBM - Leading IBM's design language revolution
IBM AI apps - Empowering the future
Product Design - L'Identité Numérique La Poste
Bamboo App - Micro saving investment.
VendorPM's Design System
Design system uplift for an online laundry service
Learnica - SaaS Online Learning platform
From Chaos to Clarity: A CEO's Multi-Company Command Center
Transparent Client Management: A Powerful Freelancer's Portal
White-label and multiplatform design
Duffle app (previously mansa)
Modelon Impact - UI/UX Design
Generate a Word Document from a SharePoint list using Power Aut…
Brume UI — Rethinking the vibe of online collaboration.
Mimbi — Product design
Zero-to-one product: From vision to market leader
French Payroll Services Company
MesDocteurs - TeleHealth Platform
Projet : Refonte du Site IME
🕹️ Grooop
🍼 Nounou Top
ekilu – iOS app