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UI/UX Design - Crafting Intuitive & Impactful Product Experience
Palo: Transforming U.S. middle schoolers into SEL* superstars.
TaccoMacco: Creating a "Netflix of Reading" for ‘Rural India’.
Leprosy Awareness and Evaluation Mobile App
Healthcare Dashboard UI design
Cryptocurrency Dashboard | Investment | NFT | Blockchain
Education Dashboard | Learning | Student | Courses | Digital Edu
Trading Dashboard | NFT | Financial | Crypto | Blockchain
EHR | Pationant overview Dashboard | Data visualization tools
Bicycle | Pitch Deck | Project Presentation | Product Launch
TripPlan - Logo design
TB - Brand Logo Design
Skincare products website | landing page | Cosmetic product
Nuco | Fresh Coconut | Landing page | Coconut Water | Ecommerce
Handmade Organic Body Soap - Landing page
E-Commerce Skincare Product website Design
Workout Management App | Fitness Studio | GYM | Exercise Tracker
ShoeVista - eCommerce App Design | Shoes | Online
Captiver - Ecommerce App
Jacob ajay
Vallet: Reimagine ATM transactions
Zen Mode - Mediation Partner Concept App
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Branding and Logo design for Overture India
UI Design for Infonetica, an IT sector based out of Esher, UK
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Crossroads of Continents: Hermes Airports Go Digital
Website Redesign for Clear Investment Group
Sterling Jaisinghgarh Udaipur
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Sample Works for Major Clients
Remote Monitoring Platform Designer
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Responsive Web Design
ML Based Material Review And Compliance Tool
Finacle Retail Banking Solution
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