Product & Web Designer 🚀

Wine Tasting & Rating
Wine Tasting & Rating

Designed a concept wine tasting and rating app.

Mobile Designer
UI Designer
Adobe XD

Nigerian Marketing Awards Website
Nigerian Marketing Awards Website

Created and designed an awards website for the Nigerian Marketing Awards.

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Goodbye Scrolling Hell! Introducing Grace Health's Makeover
Goodbye Scrolling Hell! Introducing Grace Health's Makeover

Redesigned a period tracking app's homepage to improve user engagement and personalize content.

Mobile Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer

Parallax Website for Bose Headphones
Parallax Website for Bose Headphones

Designed a concept parallax website for Bose Headphones

Web Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer
Adobe XD

Skin Care Landing page
Skin Care Landing page

Product Design, UI/UX, Adobe XD

Web Designer
UI Designer
Adobe XD

Juice Loading Screen
Juice Loading Screen

Interaction Design, UI/UX, Adobe XD

UI Designer
Adobe XD

EXFI: Expense Management App
EXFI: Expense Management App

I created an expense-tracking app for tracking multiple bank accounts.

Mobile Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer

Where's my order? Created a restaurant's order tracking process
Where's my order? Created a restaurant's order tracking process

Designed a concept order tracking process for a Nigerian food chain.

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer