Simplifying Complex Science

Health Information Infrastructure and Systems

This journal entry discusses key points about health information infrastructure and systems and their significance in the healthcare industry.

Technical Writer
Healthcare IT Support
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The Hologenome Theory

In this research review paper, I addressed the significance of the evolutionary significance of the interdependent relationship between hosts and microbiomes.

Technical Writer
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Microsoft Word

The Relationship Between Phenotypic Selection and Natural Select

This project summarizes two papers that provide different examples of phenotypic selection concerning natural selection and relates the papers to each other.

Technical Writer
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Microsoft Word

Infectious Diseases and its Significance as a Selective Pressure

This summary highlights the importance of researching the processes that have shaped the human immune system and how this was done using the Black Death.

Technical Writer
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Microsoft Word

Academic Critique: Is Color Significance a Learned Behavior?

This critique summarized a study that challenged whether color-to-emotion association is more of a learned behavior by using red-green color-blind individuals.

Technical Writer
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Microsoft Word