Let me help elevate your brand to what you know it can be!

Digital Marketing Brand Kit
Digital Marketing Brand Kit

Elevated online presence with a custom brand kit based on the brand's essence, featuring a harmonious color palette, fonts, and a moodboard for consistent posts

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Creative Design

Strategic Planning for Business
Strategic Planning for Business

Through meticulous research and strategic collaboration with stakeholders, I developed a compelling narrative that articulates the business's vivid vision.

Content Writer

Instagram Marketing Photo+Caption
Instagram Marketing Photo+Caption

Collaborating closely with the spa, I crafted visually captivating images of OPI adorned manicures, paired with a compelling caption and strategic hashtags

Content Writer
Instagram Creator
Product Photography

Spa Menu
Spa Menu

Designed with careful consideration of gentle colors and clean aesthetics, this menu embodies the tranquility and sophistication the spa strives to promote.

Graphic Designer
UGC Creator
Canva Designer