Web Developer and Digital Solutions Specialist

Data Solutions Architect - Financial Transactions
Data Solutions Architect - Financial Transactions

Developed a robust web application to analyze and generate reports from millions of transaction records accessed via an API.

Web Developer
Database Administrator
UI Designer

Friedman Mirrors - Database + Interface Design
Friedman Mirrors - Database + Interface Design

Custom built system to completely digitalize company's work flow. Automated product line, CRM, quotations, production line tools, out the door to shipping.

Database Engineer
Web Developer
UI Designer

Scientific Database Project, Shanghai, China
Scientific Database Project, Shanghai, China

Established a database interface for highly sensitive scientific data in Shanghai, China

Web Developer
Database Administrator
UI Designer
Google Charts

E-commerce Website - Engineers Black Book
E-commerce Website - Engineers Black Book

A good shop allows its managers to easily edit the content of their product line, while maintaining flexibility and customization for each individual product.

Web Developer
Database Administrator
UI Designer

Complex Database Application - Parade Organizer
Complex Database Application - Parade Organizer

Created a complex database driven website application for managing parade events. Allows an event manager to manage hundreds of guests with QR scan check-in.

Web Developer
Database Administrator
UI Designer